Dear Families,
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School in Elmore, is steeped in tradition and has formed an integral part in the lives of the many locals who have passed through our doors.
As a school, we are dedicated to ensuring that every child is given access to the skills and knowledge that will positively shape the remainder of their lives.
School should be a place where students are affirmed, challenged and encouraged to push beyond the limits that they themselves, or society, might otherwise place upon them. Our children should leave school not limited in their thoughts and expectations of themselves, but rather, believe that they are capable of being a positive contributor to the world.
As a Catholic school, OLSH is dedicated to the teachings of Jesus and the values of the Catholic Church. We are part of the Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst and Fr. Ashley Caldow is the leader of our broader parish community.
Our staff are inspired by the knowledge that we are a major influence on the lives of the students we get to work with every day. We acknowledge that we are partners with parents, and the broader community, in shaping students’ lives and in positively influencing their everyday choices. We know that we get better by working together and that positive relationships, coupled with appropriate challenge, helps everyone to improve at what they do.
Our children deserve nothing less than our best endeavours to help them fulfill their potential. As a staff, we are totally dedicated to ensuring that the teaching methods we adopt and the learning opportunities we bestow upon the children, are informed by the best evidence we have available as to how learning happens. We will continue to learn and grow together, for our own development and most importantly for that of the children we have the honour of working with.
Finally, thank you for the privilege of choosing OLSH Elmore, to partner with you in helping your child be their best. Communication is the key to a successful relationship, so please let us know whenever you have something that you need to discuss.
Kind regards,
Matt Mann
Phone: (03) 5432 6254
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.